How the BaltimoreLink Transit Plan is Likely to Affect Area Transit

Nick Zaiac Nov 5, 2015

In late October, Governor Hogan announced BaltimoreLink, the most dramatic reworking of Baltimore’s mass transit in years.[1] The $135 million plan seeks to improve mass transit in Baltimore in the wake of the canceled Red Line project.

This announcement is surprising to many, as the funding source for the new improvements is unclear, and the first improvements began October 26, just four days after the program was unveiled. Despite this uncertainty, the plan’s bus-centric nature is far sounder than the Red Line’s costly rail-based model. We review and analyze each component of the program, and for comparison, we take a look at some programs that have worked in other cities and states.[2]

[1] “Governor Larry Hogan Announces Transformative Transit Plan for Baltimore City, Maryland Department of Transportation, October 22, 2015,

[2] “BaltimoreLink: A Transformative Vision for the Future of Transit in Baltimore,” Maryland Department of Transportation, October 22, 2015,

Executive Summary

In late October, Governor Hogan announced BaltimoreLink, the most dramatic reworking of Baltimore’s mass transit in years.[1] The $135 million plan seeks to improve mass transit in Baltimore in the wake of the canceled Red Line project.

This announcement is surprising to many, as the funding source for the new improvements is unclear, and the first improvements began October 26, just four days after the program was unveiled. Despite this uncertainty, the plan’s bus-centric nature is far sounder than the Red Line’s costly rail-based model. We review and analyze each component of the program, and for comparison, we take a look at some programs that have worked in other cities and states.[2]

[1] “Governor Larry Hogan Announces Transformative Transit Plan for Baltimore City, Maryland Department of Transportation, October 22, 2015,

[2] “BaltimoreLink: A Transformative Vision for the Future of Transit in Baltimore,” Maryland Department of Transportation, October 22, 2015,