Online Learning Lessons for Maryland
With the exception of an oasis here and there, such as the Maryland Virtual School and a few district programs, the Old Line State’s online learning landscape is barren.
Maryland’s online learning environment is restrictive despite the many tangible benefits digital leaning and hybrid schooling provide for students. Online learning helps create a customized educational experience for students, meets a wide spectrum of learning needs, ensures access to course content not available in a child’s assigned school, and requires less spending per-pupil than in traditional public schools.
Although online learning options are currently limited, state policymakers can look around the country for inspiration to make Maryland a leader in virtual education. A three-part approach could propel Maryland from laggard to leader in the fast-growing online learning movement, by: freeing resources to allow funding to follow a child to the online learning provider of choice; expanding the Maryland Virtual School; and creating a favorable environment for online charter schools.
To read the full report: Online Learning Lessons for Maryland