Gas pipes wind their way to storage tanks. Jed Kirschbaum/Baltimore Sun
Proposed climate law could cripple Maryland’s economy | GUEST COMMENTARY
Originally published in the Baltimore Sun
Legislation now under consideration by the Maryland legislature, the Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025, aims to hold energy producers liable for the effects of climate change by effectively forcing them to pay reparations. Modeled on legislation passed in New York and Vermont, the RENEW Act would establish a fund, paid into by producers of fossil fuels, to fund climate resilience and clean energy projects. Advocates for the legislation hope to collect an astounding $9 billion dollars from energy producers to finance their programs.
Beyond the fact that the bill is likely unconstitutional, it would have a disastrous effect on Maryland families and businesses if implemented — leading directly to higher prices on the energy we use every day. This is unacceptable, especially given that there are much more practical solutions at policymakers’ disposal to address environmental issues. Maryland’s state legislators should vote “no” on this disastrous bill for three main reasons.
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